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Barbarian Athletics


Barbarian Athletics


Barbarian Way

Barbarian Way

Long Beach Weightlifting by Barbarian Athletics

Our Weightlifting classes are led by our USA Weightlifting Advanced Sports Performance (L2) coaches.  The goal of weightlifting is to find your maximum single lift over three attempts via the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk. The amount lifted is combined to produce the highest total. These movements are commonly used to increase functional strength and power. Our barbell program also incorporates Powerlifting which consists of movements such as the bench press, squat, and deadlift.

Barbarian Fit


It's never a dull moment when participating in the group workouts. Your current physical fitness will be tested. Our coaches are well versed in many of the popular fitness regimens and philosophies out there today. The program is a hybrid of numerous fitness genres such as weightlifting, calisthenics, powerlifting, plyometrics, and HIIT (high-intensity interval training).


Calisthenics by Barbarian Athletics!

Calisthenics by Barbarian Athletics is led by one of the original RAW Movement members El Niño Gojit!


From Greek kalli-, beautiful (from kallos, beauty) + sthenos, strength


Calisthenics has a long and rich history dating back to the Spartans. There are many ways to train using "Calisthenics" or bodyweight as a means of building strength and overall fitness. The basic strength exercises consist of Push-ups, Pull-ups, and squats and can progress to more advanced exercises such as Muscle ups, Human Flag, and Single arm Pull ups.  Mastering of ones body translates into a better, stronger athlete. The development  of Joint strength, core strength, and neurological efficiency all benefits that come with the proper training of calisthenics. 



Barbarian Team

Barbarian Team

Christopher Francisco

Plyo Pushup in Bolivia #WheresDatBabyBell

Plyo Pushup in Bolivia #WheresDatBabyBell


USA Weightlifting Certifications

  • SafeSport 
  • Advanced Sports Performance Coach
  • LWC Referee
  • ADM

CF Level 1 Trainer
CF Endurance (Running)

El Niño Gojit
